6-6 Databases
- Due No Due Date
- Points 10
- Submitting a file upload
In this lesson you will learn why databases are great places to look for information when completing academic projects. You will learn about the SUHSD subscription databases--what they include and how to access them.
Why use databases? Databases are collections of information that have been reviewed by specialists for accuracy, currency, authority, quality, and suitability. This is different from the Internet which is unregulated. By the time you reach college, professors will only accept research done using databases, not the Internet.
Did you know that as an SUHSD student you have access to paid databases that can only be accessed with a username and password? (See your teacher or librarian for this information). The school district pays money each year so that you have access to these high-quality databases:
Culture-Grams has information about life and culture in over 200 countries around the world. This database is a great choice for assignments that deal with countries and information about how people live.
e-Library has information on all subject areas in the form of book entries, magazine and newspaper articles, maps, images, and audio/ video clips. This database can help you with assignments in most subjects.
SIRS has information on current topics and events. If it’s in the news, it’s on SIRS. This database can help you with assignments such as persuasive writing, or assignments that require you to know what’s going on in the world.
For this assignment, you will need the username and password for the ProQuest databases. Then, go to: http://www.proquestk12.com Links to an external site. and enter the information, then click on “My Products Page.” Take several minutes to explore each database and see what’s there. Then complete this SUHSD Database Activity.pdf Download SUHSD Database Activity.pdf
Complete the activity in Notability and then submit the assignment.