
Find Rubric
2-8 Activity 1-4 (1)
2-8 Activity 1-4 (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Activity 1 - Student read the definition of cyber-bullying and noted 11 corresponding facts. Student chose four facts that speak to them in some way as interesting, important or new learning. Under each fact, student did two things: 1) described what they have seen or experienced that supports the fact. 2) proposed a solution that could help protect students from being a victim or statistic.
threshold: pts
3 pts
Student completed this activity.
0 pts
Student did not complete this activity
3 pts
Activity 2 - Student watched the presentation Be More Than a Bystander. Student told about something from the video they think would be difficult to do in their school. Explain why it would be difficult.
threshold: pts
2 pts
Student completed this activity.
0 pts
Student did not complete this activity
2 pts
Activity 3 - Student completed self-assessment activity.
threshold: pts
1 pts
Student completed this activity.
0 pts
student did not complete this activity.
1 pts
Activity 4 - Student created a poster, video, recording, or presentation they can use to encourage students at school to do the right thing by not being a bully (cyber or otherwise).
threshold: pts
4 pts
Student completed this activity
0 pts
Student did not complete this activity.
4 pts
Total Points: 10 out of 10