2-5 Chat Rooms
- Due No Due Date
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
In this lesson you will learn how to keep yourself as safe as possible when using a chat room. You will think about things you are doing right. You might also discover some things you are doing wrong. You might also think about ways friends need to change their behavior. You will realize that if you and your friends chat together, there are ways you can look out for each other.
Before you start looking at the list of tips - watch the following videos about chat room safety.
Video 1 - The Chatroom
Links to an external site.
You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/embed/ibJPrd7og2M?
Video 2 - Internet Dangers - Everyone Knows Sarah Links to an external site.
You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/embed/ThxmgXMBpoM?
Video 3 - Playing and Staying Safe Online Links to an external site.
You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/embed/DQ5zJvA0NYY?
Video 4 - Think Before You Upload Links to an external site.
You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/embed/VS_4dTu7rh4?
Activity 1 -
Here are some important tips about chat rooms. Copy and paste the tips below into a Text Entry wiki. Then highlight in yellow the tips you already know and practice. Highlight in blue the tips you did not know and need to put into practice.
- Just because the chat room is supposed to be just for one gender, or everybody is supposed to be of one religion, doesn't mean they are.
- If you get a message telling you not to tell your parents about it, don't reply and tell an adult straight away.
- PI means Private Information
- Stay in the public chat room
- If the topic turns to sex, just sign out. That can often lead somewhere you don’t want to go.
- If you feel someone is a predator, copy what they say into a word or Google document so you can report it to the police.
- Don’t reveal your actual location or when and where you plan to hang out.
- If you do plan to get together and meet offer to meet in a police station. If they are who they say they are they should agree to meet there because they have no reason to say no.
- If someone says, "Don't be a snitch," when you say you will tell, telling is not snitching. Ignore them and tell and adult right away.
- It is better not to trust strangers in chat rooms; be wary, and be careful.
- Don’t get together with someone you meet in a chat room. If you must, meet in a public place and bring along some friends and tell your parents.
- Always stay in the public chatrooms. If someone you don’t know suggests going into a private chatroom so you can talk in private, don’t agree. The public chatrooms have people in them. They might notice if there is something wrong. If you are in a private chat room alone with someone, there is no one to help you out. Even if you are in the public chat room and someone says anything which makes you feel uncomfortable, don't respond back.
- Choose a nick name that’s not sexually suggestive and doesn’t give away your real name.
- Remember, the Internet is serious business.
- Use a computer where a parent can easily see it to see if it is appropriate (like family room, kitchen, or living room, not your bedroom)
- The Internet is a great place to meet others with the same interests.
- Chat in only in chat rooms run by a company or organization that monitors activity (like moderators and administrators)
- Remember that what you say in a chat room or instant messaging session is live — you can’t take it back or delete it later.
- Never believe what you read in a profile it could be someone faking
- Don’t be afraid to block or ignore people you meet online
- If someone says or does something creepy — block them and don’t respond.
- Avoid sites that are meant for adults.
- Don’t say anything you wouldn’t want the public to know — this includes your full name, your address, phone number, picture or other personal information.
- Always use a generic name—a name used by a boy or girl when going into a chat room or instant messaging.(Like skater5528, reader2250, patriot4565)
- Talking to school friends over a chat program makes it easy to talk about homework or school activities.
- Sometimes it may not be a good choice to talk with strangers in chat rooms.
- KEEP your passwords private and don't tell anyone, not even your best friend.
- In chat rooms you cannot delete posts. That means anyone can copy and share what you have said with anyone they want.
source: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Safe-in-the-Chat-Rooms Links to an external site.
Activity 2 -
Now that you can see some areas for improvement, make a presentation (like the videos you saw) about one of the areas you think you and your friends could do better in. Your presentation should get the message across in an interesting way. You can be scary, funny, or informative. You can be creative by yourself or work with some other friends. (the presentation can be a video, Educreations, Power Point, or a comic strip). Upload your final presentation as a media recording or file.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||
Activity 1 - Student reviewed a list of tips for safe chatting. Student highlighted tips they know and practice in yellow. Student highlighted tips that are new information in blue.
Activity 2 - Student made a presentation about one area they think they (or their peers) could do better in. The presentation had a clear message and point of view. The presentation makes a clear effort to engage the intended audience.
Total Points:
out of 10