
Find Rubric
2-5 Activity 1-2 (1)
2-5 Activity 1-2 (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Activity 1 - Student reviewed a list of tips for safe chatting. Student highlighted tips they know and practice in yellow. Student highlighted tips that are new information in blue.
threshold: pts
2 pts
Student completed this activity.
0 pts
Student did not complete this activity.
2 pts
Activity 2 - Student made a presentation about one area they think they (or their peers) could do better in. The presentation had a clear message and point of view. The presentation makes a clear effort to engage the intended audience.
threshold: pts
8 pts
Student made a presentation about one area they think they (or their peers) could do better in. The presentation had a clear message and point of view. The presentation makes a clear effort to engage the intended audience.
4 pts
Student made a presentation about one area they think they (or their peers) could do better in. The presentation did not have a clear message and point of view. The presentation does not make a clear effort to engage the intended audience.
0 pts
Student did not make a presentation.
8 pts
Total Points: 10 out of 10